Feb. 7: FireEye and Contego Solutions, Dallas - "Horror Stories of Advanced Persistent Threats"
Feb. 13: Technology Association of Georgia (TAG), Atlanta
- "Real World Hack Attacks"
Mar. 1: USSS Task Force Quarterly Meeting, Ft. Bend County (Houston)
- "Real World Hack Attacks"
Mar. 19-21: FireEye and Concerto Solutions (roadtrip- 5 cities in 3 days)
- San Antonio, Austin, Dallas, Plano, Oklahoma City - "Real World Hack Attacks: Actual Case Studies From the Trenches"
03-29: HR Houston - "Enhanced Resume Analysis"
04-23: (thru 25) Energy Security Council Annual Conference, Houston
06-09: FBI InfraGard Houston - "How to Discover APT Malware in the Enterprise" |
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