Consulting and Training – 4CAST Personality Profiling®

Clarity Consulting Corporation's unique and highly useful personality profiling expertise is offered as both a consulting service and a class.  All consulting and training is conducted by experienced instructors with years of real-world expertise in corporate and government insider threat mitigation consulting.

About Our Employee Workforce Consulting & Training

Our 4CAST Personality Profiling® assessment technology allows us to rapidly evaluate and optimize any team or management structure in an organization, including its senior executive management team, and improve the quality of an organization's workforce. We also use this technology to discover unknown employee insider threats buried within an organization, without the need for employee testing, background checks or interviews.

We have two editions of this technology: a lighweight version for use with corporate Human Resource departments and a robust, full- featured version for use with corporate private investigators and government agencies.

For a tutorial on the a lighweight version of our technology, we invite you to watch the following video:

Reducing Employee Insider Threats by Improving the Interview Process

Human Resource departments everywhere can take heart: there's a new way to significantly and swiftly reduce employee insider threats, while significantly improving workforce harmony, productivity and retention rate at the same time. Watch this video to learn more.

VIDEO: Detecting Insider Threats (Visual Profiling):

(3 minutes)


VIDEO: 4CAST Personality Profiling®
Technology Overview – “How It Works”: 

This video explains how our technology works and how it can be applied in specific use case scenarios:

(26 minutes)

Request Assistance

    • To inquire about our personality profiling consulting assistance, contact us here.